The recognition of competence in the cathodic protection field is based on examinations related to skill levels and sectors showing specific tasks that must be mastered.

The definition of these levels and these sectors as well as the step of certification, are recorded in a dedicated standard constituting the support of the certification system ( NF EN ISO 15257 : 2017) as well in CFPC procedures available at the end of this page.

We inform all the potential applicants for the certification that the certification " CEFRACOR Certification-Protection cathodique " is now based on the standard: EN ISO 15257 : 2017.

The application of this new standard EN ISO 15257 : 2017 will impact the qualification levels. There will be, from now on, 5 qualification levels instead of 3.

In order to help you to choose, during your registration, the most suitable qualification level, the table below shows you the equivalence of levels in terms of recognition of competence between those described in the former standard EN 15257 : 2006 and the new standard EN ISO 15257 : 2017.

Levels according to the former standard NF EN 15257 (not offered anymore)

Level 1S (**)

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Equivalence of levels according to the standard NF EN ISO 15257

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4 (*)

(*) The evaluation of Level 4 will be, from now on, an examination with theoritical tests (MCQ) and practical tests, just like for levels 1 to 3.

(**) Level that was offered by CEFRACOR Certification – Protection Cathodique and not by the standard NF EN 15257.

For example:

  • If you wanted to take the certification level 1, according to the standard EN 15257 : 2006, you will need, from now on, to register for a certification Level 2 according to the standard EN ISO 15257 : 2017.

Two new levels have been added:

  • Level 1 is the level that recognizes the competence of Cathodic Protection Controller in order to do common measurements of power (Eon).
  • Level 5 is the level that recognizes the competence of Cathodic Protection Expert who will improve the art of PC and who will carry out high-level activities in projects management (design or R&D).

For the certification renewals, from January 1st 2018, they are done according to the new standard NF EN ISO 15257 : 2017. (ex. : A certification level 1 according to the standard NF EN 15257 : 2006 will be renewed into a level 2 according to the standard NF EN ISO 15257 : 2017.)

Examination dates

Please note: For administrative reasons (sending out invitations, preparing schedules, etc.), the planned sessions will be closed 3 weeks before the exam date.

NB: As places are limited, sessions are automatically closed when they are full.



Examination dates

The dates below indicate the total duration of an exam ( candidates will be asked to come within this period of time)

Closing dates for exam registration


Level 1

Initial certification:

-from 23rd to 27th September 2024. Exam center: GRTgaz in Compiègne

-from 12th to 15th November 2024. Exam center: GRTgaz in Compiègne

Initial certification:

-2nd September 2024

-22nd October 2024

Level 2

Initial certification:

-from 10th to 14th June 2024. Exam center: GRTgaz in Compiègne

-from 16th to 20th September 2024. Exam center: GRTgaz in Compiègne

-from 5th to 8th November 2024. Exam center: GRTgaz in Compiègne

Re-certification exams:

-from 15th to 17th October 2024. Exam center: GRTgaz in Compiègne

Initial certification:

-20th May 2024

-26th August 2024

-15th October 2024

Re-certification exams:

-24th September 2024

Level 3

Initial certification:

-from 23rd to 27th September 2024. Exam center: GRTgaz in Compiègne

-from 12th to 15th November 2024. Exam center: GRTgaz in Compiègne

Re-certification exams:

-from 15th to 17th October 2024. Exam center: GRTgaz in Compiègne 

Initial certification:

-2nd September 2024

-22nd October 2024

Re-certification exams:

-24th September 2024

Level 4

Initial certification:

-from 22nd to 24th October 2024. Exam center: GRTgaz in Compiègne

Initial certification:

-1st October 2024



Level 1

Initial certification:

Re-certification exams:


Initial certification:

Re-certification exams:


Level 2

Initial certification:


Initial certification:


Level 3

Initial certification:


Re-certification exams:


Initial certification:


Re-certification exams:


Level 4

Initial certification:

-from 1st to 2nd October 2024. Exam center: Institut de la Corrosion in Brest.

Initial certification:

-10th September 2024


(1) (2)

Level 1

Initial certification:

-from 7th to 8th November 2024. Exam center : INSA in Toulouse

Initial certification:

-17th October 2024

Level 2

Initial certification:

-from 5th to 7th November 2024. Exam center : INSA in Toulouse

-from 15th to 17th October 2024. Exam center : INSA in Toulouse

Re-certification exams:

-from 17th to 18th October 2024. Exam center : INSA in Toulouse


Initial certification:

-24th September 2024

-15th October 2024

Re-certification exams:

-26th September 2024

Level 3

Initial certification:

-from 10th to 12th December 2024. Exam center : INSA in Toulouse

Initial certification:

-19th November 2024

Level 4

Initial certification:

Initial certification:

(1) : Resit examinations will take place at the same dates as the certification examinations.

(2) : Initial certification exams will take place during 2 days within the dates written in the chart above. The exact dates will be indicated on the exam notification.


Applicants who want to apply for an initial examination, levels 1 to 3, will provide a documented proof showing he or she attended and completed a training period, in the application sector for which the certification is considered.

For information, the CFPC provides the applicant a non-exhaustive list of training centers offering trainings which are specific to the preparation for the certification in cathodic protection.

Thank you to ask all the needed information concerning the training courses directly to these training centers.


Name of the training center

Training center information

Name of the person in charge


CJP (Cabinet Jacques PEZOU)

Tel: +33 9 77 86 27 52 / +33 6 85 18 00 98


Mr. Stéphane GASTAUD


Tel: +33 5 61 34 38 88 / +33 6 07 25 28 50


Mr. Philippe LE HÔ

Energie Formation

Tel: +33 2 40 85 82 33 / Tél : +33 7 60 25 26 39


Mr. Sylvain BATARD



Tel: +33 2 98 05 15 52


Mr. Nicolas LARCHE


INSA Toulouse

Tel: +33 5 61 55 92 53


Mr. Stéphane Multon

SECCO Corrosion Consulting

Tel : +33 6 20 62 26 79
